Let's jazz together about mental health

Les Siffleux, breuvages torréfiés Qu-est-ce-que-la-santé-mentale

Qu’est-ce que la santé-mentale ?

Pas besoin d’aller très mal avant d’agir sur sa santé mentale.  Je remarque que trop souvent, on n’écoute pas les signaux de notre corps qui nous indique quand ça va...

Qu’est-ce que la santé-mentale ?

Pas besoin d’aller très mal avant d’agir sur sa santé mentale.  Je remarque que trop souvent, on n’écoute pas les signaux de notre corps qui nous indique quand ça va...

Les Siffleux, breuvages torréfiés Comment-apprivoiser-sa-solitude

How to tame your loneliness?

We all experience, at times, a feeling of loneliness, whether we are well surrounded or not. I would like to share with you some of what I learned during my...

How to tame your loneliness?

We all experience, at times, a feeling of loneliness, whether we are well surrounded or not. I would like to share with you some of what I learned during my...

Les Siffleux, breuvages torréfiés De la Bachata à la Pop : comment allier la danse et les boissons chaudes

From Bachata to Pop: how to combine dance and h...

Dance is a universal means of expression that has existed for thousands of years. Whether for celebration, entertainment, or simply to move to the beat, dancing is an integral part...

From Bachata to Pop: how to combine dance and h...

Dance is a universal means of expression that has existed for thousands of years. Whether for celebration, entertainment, or simply to move to the beat, dancing is an integral part...

Les Siffleux, breuvages torréfiés Santé de l'âme heureuse : 7 trucs pour garder le moral

Health of the happy soul: 7 tips to keep your s...

7 tips to keep your spirits up Mental health is an essential part of our overall well-being. It is important to take care of our minds as much as our...

Health of the happy soul: 7 tips to keep your s...

7 tips to keep your spirits up Mental health is an essential part of our overall well-being. It is important to take care of our minds as much as our...

Les Siffleux, breuvages torréfiés On jazz ensemble

How music can help us maintain good morale

How music can help us maintain good morale The power of music on morale Music has an astonishing power over our brain. She can make us smile, cry, dance and...

How music can help us maintain good morale

How music can help us maintain good morale The power of music on morale Music has an astonishing power over our brain. She can make us smile, cry, dance and...

On jazz ensemble Les Siffleux, breuvages torréfiés

Natural methods to fight depression, with light...

Natural methods to fight depression, with lightness Hey you! We can no longer tolerate articles that are too serious about depression. We know that this is a sensitive subject, but...

Natural methods to fight depression, with light...

Natural methods to fight depression, with lightness Hey you! We can no longer tolerate articles that are too serious about depression. We know that this is a sensitive subject, but...