Pourquoi boire une alternative au café? Les Siffleux, breuvages torréfiés

Why drink an alternative to coffee?

To reduce our consumption of drinking water

Drinking traditional coffee is good,

but it is very polluting. 

Producing 1 kilo of coffee requires 19,000 liters of water, much more than producing 1 kilo of beef.

While a Siffleux made from plants, berries and roots (without coffee beans) requires much less water, and is good for our health at the same time.

To reduce our carbon footprint

Massive deforestation for open-air coffee cultivation has effects on global warming, and global warming leads to losses in coffee production. It is also predicted that in 2050, there will be a 50% reduction in coffee production worldwide.

Our industrial way of growing coffee is not suited to the health of the planet. It is urgent to adjust, otherwise coffee will become increasingly scarce.

 By choosing to consume other plants often referred to as “weeds”, we allow the planet to regenerate by diversifying harvests. So, we are building a better and healthier world and we can continue to consume coffee for several years.

Moreover, BACHATA is made with organic blueberries from Quebec. It is the artisanal roasting work that gives it a taste noticeably like coffee. It is truly unique in the world. You have to taste this!

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