On jazz ensemble Les Siffleux, breuvages torréfiés

Astragalus: A plant to increase energy

This plant, nicknamed “anti-aging”, originates from Mongolia. Today, it is found in East Asia. We must wait 5 years before harvesting its roots so that it can develop all its active ingredients. It has been used for millennia in Chinese medicine and is known to be a powerful tonic. It would help increase the body's energy and immunity.

Its Chinese name: “Huang qi” means “energy enhancer”. It is an adaptogenic plant, it helps the whole body to adapt to stress.

Astragalus root removes the feeling of fatigue.

It strengthens the adrenal glands and balances the thyroid. It improves physical performance, increases energy, helps you fall asleep, and helps regain mental well-being, when consumed on a regular basis. It also seems that it is more powerful than Ginseng (Panax Ginseng) due to the many beneficial substances it contains. This remains to be proven!

Astragalus to help fight cancer?

Also, astragalus has 63 flavonoids and 14 polysaccharides, powerful antioxidant substances that stimulate the immune system to fight against external bacteria. It is therefore the ideal plant for the changing seasons.

It has the ability to block the proliferation of cancer cells due to its high quantity of triterpene saponisides . A substance that regulates cell multiplication.

Astragalus is not recommended for pregnant women and for those who are allergic to fabaceae.

Astragalus in my drink?

It's difficult to add superfoods to your daily life, especially since they don't always taste very good! So why not add it to your daily drink. Astragalus is found in POP , a caffeine-free roasted cranberry beverage that tastes like coffee.

By drinking POP you kill two birds with one stone. We stimulate our immunity, and we reduce our stress. Especially since this drink is just relaxing.

To find out more about POP , I invite you to click here


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